The DIY Nursery Series: Baby Bedding

Happy Monday, friends.
I can't believe I am already back to sitting at this desk again. Bummer. 
I'm sleepy, I'm mourning the loss of the weekend, I want to go back to bed. 

What's that? You do too? 

Well, maybe I can help to take the edge of that Monday sting with another DIY nursery post. Because these things make me happy. However, if they don't do the same for you, the only other thing I can do for you is to tell you to go get yourself a big Diet Coke. With a fresh lemon. And crushed ice. Oh yum...

What were we talking about again? 
Ah yes, the nursery. 

Next up in the DIY nursery series: Baby bedding. 
I got all of the fabric for the crib skirt, comforter, pillow, stuffed owl and penant for under $40. How? S and I spent a good solid half hour scouring the remnants pile at our local craft store. And it paid off BIG time. 

At one time I had taken step-by-step pictures of each project, but now I can't find any of them on any of my memory cards or computers. Pregnancy brain at work again? Perhaps. But I found the tutorials for each project on Pinterest, and I will link them here so you can go look if you want. Their directions are waaaay better than mine would have been anyways. 

Up first: A little baby comforter: 

I found the tutorial for this little number here
It was soooo simple to make, I finished it in just a few hours.  

Next: A zig-zag pillow to match

I found the tutorial for this darling pillow here, and I simplified it just a little. I didn't fold
and individually sew the zig-zags first, I just cut them out and sewed them straight on. Yep. Short cut. 

(Side note: I 10000% plan to remove EVERYTHING completely from the crib when baby comes. Please don't email me and tell me I am going to suffocate the babe. You can, however email me and tell me other things, if you want, like what you did this weekend, etc. I like to chat. The end.)

They look cute together, huh? 

And then, I had loooots of extra fabric so I made a crib skirt (tutorial coming soon), 
the owl (who you've already met, and this simple penant:

 Tutorial found here

Next up: All the things I thrifted and spray painted (including that 
presh orange crib), a crib skirt, and whatever else I feel like. 

Happy Monday? Let's hope! 
Meet me at 7-11 and we'll get that Coke? 


See the other posts from the DIY Nursery Series here.

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