Anchor Shirt Day.

T-Shirt: c/o Skip N' Whistle
Skirt: Old Navy: 2.99
Necklace: I can't remember...bought it forevs ago
Shoes: Ross 8.99

Yesterday I was in a big hurry getting ready and being the resourceful ingenue that I am, I was multitasking, brushing teeth while brushing hair, putting in earrings while putting on bronzer, etc. Then, as I began to curl one eye's eyelashes, I had the notion to hairspray my hairs. However, the thing about doing that is this: While curling one's eyelashes one needs to see, thus, one's eyes are opened. However, when one sprays a polymer and/or alcohol based spray toward one's face, one's instinct is to shut said eyes. This instinct, while extremely helpful when a gnat comes barreling toward one's cornea, becomes somewhat bothersome when one's eyelid is otherwise detained by a lash-curling mechanical device. 

Now, I'll spare you the scientific jargon and give you what happened next straight up. Hairspray sprayed. Eyes shut while in eyelash curler. Lashes came out and probably some parts of eyelid. Pain. 

I only didn't swear because baby at my ankles. 

I tell you this tale because it's in these dark times that I often choose to dress like I'm about to hop on a ship and sail off into the high seas, such as today with my anchor shirt. When I put on this puppy I like to close my eyes and pretend I'm just sailing along, Diet Coke with lime in hand, sea breeze in my hair, sun shining bright, somehow a hot dog... (I suppose if I'm dreaming about it I might as well be on a yacht with a big kitchen where hot dogs could be conjured.) No troubles. No rushing to get ready. No eyeball injuries. 

So, what I'm trying to say on this midweek bummer day is relax, people. It might be Wednesday but it's also anchor shirt day. Go home from work early, who is gonna miss you? Skip your meetings, you don't gotta go. Ignore your emails, they are boooring. Forget all your worries and cares and just pretend your sailing away...

However, if that doesn't work, you don't have to be on a yacht to have a Diet Coke with lime and a hot dog, Just saying. 

(Also, if you get fired today, don't blame me. That's all you. You took advice from the girl who sprayed her face with hairspray while eyelash curling.)


If your name is Arien Lindsay you are the winner of the Sage Market Giveaway! Congratulations! Please email us at to claim your prize!
