PLG Loves: Combi Fold 'N Go Double Stroller

Since posting about our trip to NYC I have received a handful of questions asking about our stroller and today I'm so excited to tell you about it! Our friends over at Combi have been so good to our blog, sending us their wonderful products and making an amazing donation to The Pretty Life Project last year. But aside from their generosity, their products are just plain great. The Fold 'N Go Double has been a game-changer for us since having two kids, and using it in NYC where we were especially hard on it just proved it's awesomeness. 

The Fold 'N Go Double is lightweight, folds up easily, and fits through standard doorways. Our kids barely left the thing on our trip because they were so comfy and happy in it, and we found it to be very portable to pack around even though I was sure that wasn't possible with a double stroller. 

Plus, any stroller that can make my kids pass out like the picture below really needs no review because that sort of thing speaks for itself. I mean, TWO SLEEPING KIDS AT THE SAME TIME AND WE CAN EAT OUR PIZZA WITH TWO HANDS AND NOT HAVE TO SHARE? SOLD. 

Thank you Combi for the baby-whisperer of a stroller. My sanity thanks you. 

To get your own visit the Combi website, and be sure to follow Combi on Facebook! Thank you so much for supporting the great companies that make this blog possible! 

What are your must-have baby products for making life with multiple kids easier? Teach me your ways!

ox. Liz 

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