My Apologies.

Did you have to take that one horrrrible public speaking class that is a gen ed requirement for a lot of majors in college? The one where they tell you the cardinal rule of public speaking is to not apologize for anything at the beginning of your speech because it automatically makes people discredit whatever you might say? Like, if you are giving a talk in church, you shouldn't open by telling the congregation that you totes forgot about your talk until way late last night because you were at real busy making out with your boyfriend so sorry if I just read straight from this talk I printed off the internets? 

Well, if such rules apply to blogging, I shall now proceed to break them by apologizing for my lack of content today. I've got nothin. You see, I've got all these babies at my house now who always want to be fed, and I've got this FREAKING Master's degree I'm trying to finish up this month even though I would rather be catching up on the "Lindsay" reality show (Tell me you are all watching? SUCH a delicious train wreck of a show!), and welllll...I've got nothing particularly blog-worthy to say. 

As a result, I'm just going to get down to business and tell you that I'm obsessed with this maxi and these shoes from White Plum that I wore on Easters and would wear everyday if society permitted such things. Also, YOU can get them for 20% off at White Plum until the 26th using the code PRETTYLIFE20! Plus, you can also enter to win $50 to White Plum in our giveaway right here

So, there you have it. Now take that discount code and get to shopping! Promise it'll be a lot more exciting than anything we've got going on here. My apologies. 


Dress: c/o White Plum
Shoes: c/o White Plum
Necklace: c/o Cor do Mel
